Monday, September 15, 2008

Observe Proper Food Combination

I have recently browse through a topic that discusses food sequencing and proper food combination. There are a lot of misconceive thoughts on food combination or bad eating habits we must learn to know and avoid when dealing with our foods. Here are some of the important facts dealt with by several studies in dietetics regarding food consumption.

What types of food combination to avoid with:

*Accordingly, it is not good to combine highly starchy foods with pure fats in one meal.

Starchy foods like pasta, bread, rice, cereals must not be eaten or blended with pure fats like butter, bacon fat or cream. There was an evident study done that high starches and pure fats are incompatible as a result taken from the study of Dr. Joslin, a famous dietetic in Boston. He established the fact that when high fats are cut down in diebetic diets, it is possible to add more carbohydrates in ones meal without increasing ones sugar in urine and insulin ; for an insulin case. Furthermore, no restrictions are given to eating fats and starchy foods, to avoid dangers in deficiency of essential soluble and fatty acids, simply eat them at different times.

*Avoid eating combinations of acids and carbohydrates.

Bread and citrus juices cannot be digested together. Fats and sugars (fruits) should not be mixed in any one meal. The combination is not going to be good for the body and you will definitely be feeling the effects of it.Though there are healthy people who doesn't feel any distress or evidence of impaired digestion, impairment still goes on just the same. Eveytime this goes on, impairment also happens, but these problems might not be felt early on in age, problem occurs and felt when aging.

*Avoid eating concentrated proteins with concentrated carbohydrates in one meal.

Proteins (nuts, seeds, dried beans, dried peas, peanuts, lentils, milk, eggs, cheese, flesh foods) and carbohydrates (potatoes, lima beans, mature corn, winter squash, artichokes, chestnuts, yams, pumpkins, grains, carrots, beets, coconuts) should not be eaten in one meal, and there should be only one kind of protein in one meal. This means that you have to avoid eating nuts, eggs, cheese, and other protein foods with any bread, cereals, potatoes, or sweet fruits such as strawberries or watermelon. These food combination must be avoided so as not to experience weakening of the digestive system that would result to constipation.

For more information about proper food combination you can find it here

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I've known , heard and seen some people, friends, relatives who loves to collect stamps, postcards, different kinds of money, dolls, cars, antiques and other vintage materials, like butterflies, gadgets, pictures of their favorite stars and many more. I think they derive pleasure and inspiration on collecting this stuffs, who wouldn't be especially if this kind of hobby is becoming a profitable business source.

There are also some who make money out of the junks of other people, they collect them and make used of these materials by recycling or by mixing these materials to create another masterpiece. This type of business are not too expensive, all you need are proper knowledge on how to go through this type of business, creativity, hardwork, discipline, patience as well as great effort on the demands of everyday work output if your products are very marketable.

While there are people who make money out of their collections, there are those who make this as their diversion, pastime or hobby, something to keep them distracted from their stress driven work. Being a person who is thrifty and resourceful is an asset in a marketing business of this type. Collectibles are very useful if you make it to be.