Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Challenge Brougth About by the Devastation of Typhoon "FRANK"

I wouldn't want to reinstate again and again the wreck caused by the typhoon Frank to many Filipinos who lives here and abroad. Though we may say that these has been the cause of our own carelessness, like simple throwing of litters just anywhere around us. We don't strive to follow instructions to simple rules given to us because of laziness syndrome, as well as negligence to the fact that we should be aware of all the dangers this can bring about. So now, though I don't want to be blunt about it, but since this is the truth for me, we are reaping the fruit of our unkindness to our mother earth.

I believe that if we would all take this as a challenge to finally take time to replenish the havoc of this tragedy, simply by doing small or great deeds that could help motivate each and everyone of us to unite and work on things that could hinder the cause of this flash floods, accidents(ship or vehicular accidents etc.), landslides, global-warming as mothers may explain these phenomenon we experience. Amidst all these happenings we could see, as an eye opener the REALITY that we are only human who are all entitled to keep what was given to us in order(properly).

We can not bring back the past events, we can not correct the wrong, save every lives lost, but we can bring about great future for us and the coming generations. We must not wait for some tragedy to come before we will realize what we've missed out. Though we say that people were helpful during these events, it was not good because still we know what would have been the outcome afterwards.

Making this a challenge for each one as well as myself included, why not be. Let us move and begin RIGHT.

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