Monday, October 6, 2008


Good will is of many kinds. There is the good will that flows from one employee to another in the same department. The good will that ripens into social friendship, is a direct outcome of a warmhearted personality. Good will in business is a priceless asset; sometimes it is the balance sheet at a value of one dollar. In may other instances, it is directly responsible for whatever customer appreciation, sales volume and financial success the business enjoys.

One of the important attributes stemming from the good will that results from good human relations is the excellent character of co-operation we get from one employee and associates in business. This kind of good will is easily translated into substantial financial value---an increment that we cannot obtain other way.

Regardless of the character of good will, it stems inevitably from your personality. We have all encountered the type of personality unpleasantness that transforms good will into ill will. How refreshing it is to do business or enjoy social contacts with a personality that radiates courtesy, kindliness, and humanness! Do we ever think to analyze the reasons for the difference between the two, or to count the cost? Most important of all, do we ever identify ourselves with the river of such gifts, good or bad?

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